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UFT members ‘united’ with state educators

UFT members ‘united’ with state educators
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Mulgrew after his speech, with NYSUT President Dick Iannuzzi and American Federa
El-wise Noisette

Mulgrew after his speech, with NYSUT President Dick Iannuzzi and American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten.

LaGuardia HS Chapter Leader Paula Washington at the rally.
El-wise Noisette

LaGuardia HS Chapter Leader Paula Washington at the rally.

Three busloads of UFT members joined some 10,000 students, parents and educators in Albany on June 8 for the massive One Voice United rally organized by New York State United Teachers, the UFT’s state affiliate. The crowd stretched across the Empire State Plaza to speak out against insufficient education funding and the focus on high-stakes testing. “Are we fed up with those who are telling us what we should be doing every day but have never done it themselves?” UFT President Michael Mulgrew, one of the speakers at the rally, asked from the stage. Mulgrew denounced the corporatization of education. “We are faced with enemies who want to privatize for the sake of making money — millions and millions of dollars worth of contracts,” he said. “They see us as a marketplace; they don’t see us as a learning place.” For complete coverage of the rally, see the July issue of NYSUT United inserted in this newspaper, or go to