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How soon after receipt will my Supplemental Health Insurance Program (SHIP) application be processed?

The SHIP application process begins the day you retire and are enrolled as a UFT-RTC (Retired Teachers Chapter) member. We strive to have all applications processed on the day of retirement, but please allow for up to one week to complete the...

How much does the Supplemental Health Insurance Program (SHIP) cost? How much money do I need to send when I enroll?

Please refer to the SHIP card for the exact fees, as they depend on the time of year and whether or not you also enroll a spouse or domestic partner. You must pay upfront for the first year through December and the cost is $10.00 per month per person...

How soon can I apply for the Supplemental Health Insurance Program (SHIP) upon retirement?

You must first be enrolled as a UFT-RTC (Retired Teachers Chapter) member. Your SHIP application cannot be processed until your retirement date, therefore, please send your application and payment approximately one month prior to your date of...

How much will be deducted from my pension for union dues once I retire?

Dues are .004 of retirement allowance for members who retired after July 1, 1984. Members who retired before July 1, 1984 and after July 1, 1970 pay $36 annually. Members who retired prior to July 1, 1970 pay $18 annually.

What information do I need to enter on my application for the Retired Teachers Chapter?

When filling out your application to join the Retired Teachers Chapter (RTC), please include your name, file number/UFT ID number, exact retirement date, current contact information and pension provider. To avoid a delay in processing, please...

After joining the Retired Teachers Chapter, do I need to send a payment for membership?

No, union dues for members of the Retired Teachers Chapter (RTC) will be automatically deducted from your monthly pension. The RTC dues are .004% of your monthly pension.

Once I retire, can I send my Retired Teachers Chapter and SHIP application at the same time?

Yes, you can send both enrollment applications for the RTC and SHIP together in the envelope included in the retirement packet you were given at your final pension consultation. However, to avoid a delay in processing, you also have the option of...

What is a deferred pay date?

A deferred pay date is only applicable if you have yet to meet the age of retirement and will be collecting your pension at a later time.

How long does it take for my Retired Teachers Chapter application to be processed?

Applications for the Retired Teachers Chapter (RTC) get processed on your date of retirement, however, due to a high volume of applicants, please allow for up to one week to complete the process.

Team approach works well in Queens

During the pandemic, retirees in Queens are keeping busy and staying connected with each other by taking the UFT’s Si Beagle courses remotely on Zoom.