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News for Retired Teachers

Making fashion cents

It started with a bag of used clothing that Bambi Falvo meant to donate. Now Falvo, who retired in 2019 after 32 years of teaching, is an online entrepreneur who specializes in reselling new and used clothing.

Tough to communicate

Communication is fraught with miscommunication. Presenting the New York City Medicare Advantage Plus Plan to retirees is tough. We have tried to offer the best and most comprehensive information so retirees can make their own informed choices.

Retired teacher story was ‘beautiful’

The story about the teacher reunited with her former student is a truly beautiful story — a story of a woman who was a dedicated teacher.

Automatic COLA increase

In 2000, after several frustrating years, the UFT, NYSUT and the rest of the state’s labor movement convinced New York State to provide an annual, permanent cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) to retiree pensions. 

UFT responds to Aetna lawsuit

A health insurance provider has filed a lawsuit against the City of New York challenging the process used to award the contract for the new NYC Medicare Advantage Plus Plan for New York City retirees who are eligible for Medicare.

The many benefits of RTC membership

You may not be an in-service employee anymore, but you haven’t left the UFT. Now it’s time to become a member of the union’s Retired Teachers Chapter (RTC) and participate in what’s considered the nation’s best retiree program for public school teachers and health care providers.