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Frequently Asked Questions

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A list of the most commonly asked questions.

If we see or capture a suspected bed bug in a classroom, should we close the room until a Pest Management Professional inspects it?

No. If it is a bed bug, it is likely that it was unknowingly brought it into the school by someone who encountered it in another place. If you have captured it, you may have already eliminated the problem. Additionally, many suspected bed bugs are not bed bugs at all. You should take a clear photo of the suspected beg bug and submitted it along with a completed submission form to DOE Pest Control at for confirmation.

If the DOE Pest Management Unit has identified a bed bug from our school, what areas of the school will be treated?

The DOE Pest Management professional will inspect and, if necessary, treat the room in which the specimen was captured. In most cases, a thorough inspection and vacuuming of the room with a HEPA vacuum by the Pest Management Unit professional is the best treatment when there is not an infestation. If the Pest Management Professional determines that there is an infestation (bed bugs living and reproducing in the room), the rooms above, below and adjacent to the infested room will be inspected and treated as necessary.

If the DOE Pest Management Unit confirms that a specimen found in my school is a bed bug, should parents and staff be notified?

Parents of students in the entire building must be notified if there is an infestation, according to state law. An infestation is identified by bed bug reproduction in a given area. A single confirmed bed bug does not constitute an infestation. A DOE Pest Management professional must inspect the school and determine whether there is an infestation. Schools are not a friendly environment for bed bugs and the chance of an infestation is low. If it is determined that your school is infested, the Pest Management Unit will provide notification materials to share with parents and building staff.

See the New York State law regarding the notification of parents »

What can we do at the school level to help reduce the risk of bed bugs?

Learn to identify the signs of bed bugs (visit the Health Department’s website or call 311 for additional information). Frequently inspect your rooms; if you see signs of bed bugs, report them immediately. If you capture a suspected specimen, submit it to the DOE Pest Management Unit following the procedures outlined in the beginning of this kit. Check your furniture frequently for bed bugs, especially chairs and couches. Get rid of clutter to reduce places in which bed bugs can hide and discard anything that is not being used. Seal cracks and crevices, and vacuum periodically. Consider removing rugs.

How do I sign up for UFT text messages?

Simply fill out the online form at or type the word "UFT" to number 86366.

The UFT uses text messages to convey important information and reminders to members. Please note that this is a one-way form of communication and we are unable to respond individually to texts sent in response to our messages. 

To contact the UFT, call 212-331-6311

I am changing careers. Is there an easier way for me to get certified?

You may be interested in an alternative teacher certification program specifically designed for career changers. While you must meet all coursework and other requirements, these programs offer a time-shortened, intensive preparation program operated cooperatively by a college and school district.  Alternative programs also allow you to be employed as a teacher while in the program.

I hold a certificate from another state. Do I still have to apply for a New York State teacher certificate?

Yes, you must hold a New York State certificate to teach in the state's public schools. Reciprocity under the Interstate Agreement of Qualification of Educational Personnel is limited to coursework requirements only. You must complete any examination requirements a member state may have. 

Must I wait until I have completed all requirements for a certificate before applying for an individual evaluation?

No. As long as you hold the minimum degree (usually a bachelor's degree, with a minimum 2.5 GPA) required for a certificate, you may submit an application at any time. In order to receive a written evaluation of your status for a certificate you must file an application, submit payment, and submit official transcripts.

I hold Initial Certificates in more than one subject (i.e., Childhood Education, Grades 1-6 and English, Grades 7-12). Must I teach for three years in each subject area to meet the three-year experience requirement for a Professional certificate?

No. An individual who holds more than one classroom teaching certificate may meet the three-year experience requirement with any three years of classroom teaching experience. For instance, a teacher who holds the Childhood Education (Grades 1-6) and English (Grades 7-12) certificates could satisfy the experience requirement for both certificates by teaching for three years in an elementary classroom, three years as a secondary English teacher, or a combination of both.

Please note that service in one of the three certificate areas (classroom teaching, pupil personnel service, and school leadership) may not be used to satisfy the experience requirement in either of the other two areas.

May I use online courses to meet certification requirements?

You should be aware that the Office of Teaching Initiatives does not endorse, pre-approve, or accredit programs or coursework completed at institutions located outside the State of New York.

Information regarding colleges and universities within New York State that have an approved teacher preparation program can be found at

If you plan on taking individual courses at an institution that is located in New York, go to to determine what courses would be acceptable.