Q&A on the Member Assistance Program
What kinds of issues can MAP help me address?
- Find mental health services to fit your needs
- Assess for and refer to appropriate substance abuse programs
- Help with marital or family relationship problems
- Arrange assistance for victims of domestic violence
- Offer referrals to legal or credit counseling services
- Provide trauma and bereavement support
- Suggest treatment referrals for eating disorders
- Provide support during times of crisis
What services can I receive?
- Short-term individual counseling provided by professionally trained and licensed counselors in our offices for a variety of concerns members may have, from marital or family problems to stress or workplace issues or alcohol and drug addiction
- Short-term support groups
- Assistance with referrals to outside services
What happens in a counseling session?
A counseling session is a confidential meeting between you and a MAP mental health professional to discuss your concern and figure out how best to resolve it.
Will there be any costs?
The Member Assistance Program is available free of charge to all UFT members. Your insurance plan may cover services for additional resources or referrals. For more information on mental health care benefits covered through your insurance, please call the UFT Welfare Fund at 212-539-0660.
How do I contact the Member Assistance Program?
Please call our office at 212-701-9620. Your call will be returned within one to two business days.
When and where are services provided?
MAP counselors are available for appointments Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Please note we cannot accommodate “walk-in” members without a scheduled appointment.
Please note: If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911 or 1-866-UFT-FOR-U (a free and confidential union mental health helpline, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week).