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How do I achieve tenure?

The process for determining whether or not you will get tenure is rigorous, and tenure is not automatic at the end of the probationary period. You must: 1) be recommended for tenure by your principal; 2) be granted tenure by your superintendent; 3)...

How does the teacher evaluation system affect the process of achieving tenure?

The teacher evaluation system evaluates teachers as: Highly Effective, Effective, Developing, Ineffective, Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory. A probationary teacher who receives two “Ineffective” ratings in a row will be presumed to be incompetent...

How can I be sure the incident or violation was reported to the DOE?

You can request or have your chapter leader request an Online Occurrence Report System control number.

Does my school have a safety plan?

Every school must have a school safety plan and a crisis response plan that is updated annually and logged with the education, police and fire departments. Safety Plans are mandated by the SAVE Legislation, the UFT Contract, the Chancellor’s...

Who decides what goes into the safety plan at my school?

There is a standard template that is completed by your School Safety Committee. This committee meets at least once a month and includes the UFT chapter leader, the principal and the PA or PTA president. Or, at the minimum, the members of the...

Incident reporting

If you know of a safety incident, report it! The UFT has an online reporting system to make it easier for members to report threats to the safety and security of staff and students.

Am I allowed to read my school’s safety plan?

Yes. In addition, the administration must offer professional development at least once a year on its contents.

Testimony on DOE's school closures, reconfigurations and community notification

UFT President Michael Mulgrew testified before a New York City Council Committee on Education oversight hearing about proposed DOE co-locations.

History of the Scholarship

Our scholarship program, which began in 1969, was renamed in Albert Shanker’s memory in 1997. He was the New York City teacher who became president of both this union and our national affiliate, the American Federation of Teachers. More than anyone...