Salary steps

A salary step is an incremental increase in salary based on previous qualifying professional experience. You’ll earn more money the longer you stay in the system.
For the first eight years in the teacher salary schedule, these are called “steps.” If you teach without interruption, you will move two steps (e.g. 1A and 1B) for each year of work you complete with a satisfactory evaluation, increasing your earnings up to Step 8B.
All appointed teachers and other UFT pedagogical titles will automatically receive pay increases based on salary steps on your anniversary date and on March 1, as long as you are on payroll.
Beyond Step 8B, teachers will receive “longevity” increments — also called “longevities” — after they have taught in New York City for 5, 10, 13, 15, 18, 20 and 22 years. For other pedagogues, refer to your contract or ask someone at your borough office.
The DOE’s online salary step application
All newly hired teachers must report their prior work experience in their online application for employment. The information will automatically be submitted to the DOE’s salary application system. Please note: The New York State Education Department verification form is not accepted for salary steps.
It takes upward of 20 weeks for the DOE to evaluate your prior work experience if you are a newly appointed teacher. You will receive a Certificate of Salary Status via email informing you of your salary step up to Step 8B if eligible and a new equated date.
Non-appointed teachers will also receive a Certificate of Salary Status via email but will not receive an equated date. The highest salary step that a regular substitute teacher can attain credit for, even if certified, is Step 4A.