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Your well-being

Fostering healthy ties

Healthy social relationships are a key to greater happiness and life satisfaction. Here are ways to cultivate strong social ties.

Kindness, the cure that costs nothing

“Be kind, rewind” is a slogan that disappeared with VHS tapes, but it succinctly illustrates the basic elements of kindness: Even a small, seemingly trivial act can make life a little better for someone you don’t know.

Good habits for financial freedom

If you decided to save more money this year, you’ve made the most popular New Year's resolution. For good reason: Minimizing financial stress is good for its own sake, and for your mental and physical well-being too.

New year, new you

If you want your mental health resolutions for the new year to last, focus on self-care and get specific. Experts have identified eight dimensions of wellness, which provide a great framework for creating achievable resolutions.

Joy to the world — and to yourself

The holidays are an opportunity to reconnect and celebrate with family and friends, but they can also cause social, emotional and financial stress. So it’s important to take time for yourself and approach the holidays in a way that will preserve your own mental well-being. Luckily, many holiday traditions naturally support wellness!

Coping with grief

For those coping with grief, the shift from fall to winter can be especially hard, as the holiday season lies ahead and our thoughts turn to people, things and experiences that are missing. Mental health professionals with the UFT's Member Assistance Program offer coping strategies.