The UFT Italian American Committee, established in the early 1970s, was one of the earliest UFT committees.
Our goals are:
- To ensure that Italian American culture is passed from generation to generation.
- To disseminate instructional materials on the culture and history of Italians in America.
- To discuss issues facing Italian American educators.
- To continue our association with Italian Americans in the labor field.
The committee hosts or participates in a range of activities, including our annual bocce ball tournament on Columbus Day; the Columbus Day parade; the Feast of St. Joseph; regular classes in how to make mozzarella, limoncello and ravioli; Italian Heritage Culture Month; and the New York City comptroller’s annual Italian American community breakfast.
All UFT members are welcome to join the UFT Italian American Heritage Committee. For more information, contact us at italianheritage [at] uft [dot] org (italianheritage[at]uft[dot]org).
Join the committee
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