Acid neutralization tanks
Acid neutralization tanks are usually located in the basement of the building. All the waste from the science labs and prep rooms is directed into these tanks.
Chemical removal
During the course of your annual chemical inventory, take note of any chemicals that should be considered for removal.
Dissection practices
Practices and proper disposal of dissected and unused biological specimens.
DOE Guide to Salary Differentials
See Section III: Salary Differential Information for School Social Workers, School Psychologists, Guidance Counselors and Laboratory Specialists
Duties of the Lab Specialist
From a Board of Education circular dated February 1970.
Fire extinguishers
Recommendations and regulations governing fire extinguishers in laboratories and preparation rooms.
Flammable and combustible liquids
The storage, use and disposal of flammable and combustible liquids falls under the rules and regulations promulgated under OSHA and the National Fire Association.
Hours of the lab specialist
Article 6 of our contract states that Laboratory Specialists' hours are 6 hours and 30 minutes, not including lunch which shall not be less than 30 minutes and no longer than the lunch period of the school they are serving.
How toxic is toxic?
Chemicals may cause harm in many different ways. Learn more to ensure the safety of your school and students.
Indoor air quality concerns in school labs (Presentation Jan. 24, 2017)
Mercury removal
By law all mercury must be removed from our schools.
Minimizing hazards
Recommendations to minimize physical hazards in the lab or prep room.
Purchasing Q&A
Common questions and answers about purchasing chemicals and other supplies.
Safety shower Q&A
Answers to questions about safety showers from the safety training workshop on Jan. 30, 2014.
Spill control kits
Spill control kits are only to be used for small spills. If you do not have the materials or equipment do not attempt cleanup and follow procedures that your school has in place.
When classrooms are used for laboratory experiments
The UFT was notified that in some schools laboratory sessions have been conducted in classrooms and not in the labs due to lack of available space. Learn what to do in this situation.