Certification news & updates
See the latest updates and news regarding certification policies:
April 2025 deadline for updated child abuse training
New York State is requiring all mandated reporters, including classroom teachers, educational administrators and pupil personnel service providers, to complete an updated child abuse training by April 1, 2025. Members can take the free, two-hour training course via the UFT or the state Office of Children and Family Services to satisfy this updated requirement.
Regents approve waiver process for content knowledge certification exam requirement
The state Board of Regents approved a waiver process for the content knowledge certification exam requirement for New York State teacher certification. Candidates who score within 0.5 standard error of measurement (SEM) of the passing score on a required Content Speciality Test may apply for a waiver if they achieve at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA or its equivalent in the college program leading to their education degree at an accredited institution. See the NYSED website for qualifying test scores, an FAQ and additional details »
Opportunities for teachers to earn ENL Certification & Bilingual Education extensions
The New York State Education Department (NYSED) adopted a temporary modification to certification requirements so teachers may obtain a supplementary English as a new language certification and/or a supplementary bilingual education extension to support new immigrants or asylum-seeking students.
Once issued, the supplementary ENL certification remains in effect for five years. Applicants may renew the supplementary bilingual education extension one time for three more years from the effective date of the renewal only if they obtained their first extension through this flexibility and meet the requirements for the extension as described above.
Those who are interested can apply for the ENL certificate and/or the bilingual extension until Aug. 31, 2025. Because the Bilingual Education Assessment can only be taken on a limited number of dates, candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible for the test. See more information about these certification modifications on the state Education Department website.
Certified teachers and pupil personnel services professionals (i.e., social workers, school counselors and psychologists) can now complete either the examination requirement or the enrollment and education requirements, instead of both sets of requirements. This temporary flexibility will allow candidates to pass the Bilingual Education Assessment (BEA) and/or the Content Specialty Test (CST) in ESOL, if available, in lieu of completing coursework and matriculating in a registered program leading to a bilingual education extension and/or an ENL certificate. See a list of required tests and registration information »
As of July 1, 2024, tenured teachers working in a monolingual school license in Special Education, who also hold a valid New York State bilingual extension, may change to a bilingual license and will receive a $5,000 incentive. Any special education teacher who switches during the 2024-25 school year and works under the new license will also receive a waiver so they will not sacrifice tenure or lose seniority and will not face a one-year probation period.
Registration now open for the new School Counselor Content Specialty Test (CST)
Candidates are now able to register for the new School Counselor CST. To assist candidates and teacher preparation programs in preparing for the test, the test framework, content correlation table, and study guide are all available on the NYSTCE website. Candidates who applied and paid the fee for the Initial School Counselor certificate by February 26, 2024 and completed all requirements for the certificate other than the CST prior to this date are not required to take and pass the School Counselor CST. Additionally, candidates who seek Professional School Counselor certification through a “Certificate Progression” pathway do not need to pass the School Counselor CST, including those who did not take and pass the School Counselor CST for Initial School Counselor certification. These and other guidelines for when candidates must pass the School Counselor CST are outlined on the School Counselor CST Requirement Guidelines page on the NYSED website.
Free online test prep for teacher certification exams
- NYSTCE - New York State Teacher Certification Examination Courses - Online Classes with Videos
Offers practice tests, review courses and videos for a range of certification exams
Additional updates
- Several changes approved by the NY State Board of Regents around requirements for time extensions, reissuances and renewals went into effect on Aug. 2, 2023. See the the NYSED website for eligibility requirements and additional guidance. Please note: if you were previously granted a time extension with an expiration date of 8/31/23 or later, two additional years were automatically added to that extension. Time extensions will no longer be granted for initial or provisional certificates, but individuals who hold an Internship, applicable Transitional or a Residency state certificate may be able to receive a three-year extension if they meet certain criteria. See more details on the NYSED website.
- As of Feb. 2, 2024, school counselors will be issued initial and professional certification instead of provisional and permanent state certification. However, both certifications will continue to be recognized and members with a valid provisional certificate will still be able to obtain a permanent certificate. See the NYSED website for more information.
- The New York State Board of Regents is requiring social workers, school psychologists and mental health practitioners to complete three continuing education credits on maintaining appropriate professional boundaries each triennial registration period (with registration periods beginning on and after April 1, 2023) as part of the 36 continuing education credit requirement continually in place to maintain a professional license.
- Effective Sept. 1, 2024, teachers of computer science will be required to hold the new Computer Science Pre K-12 Classroom certificate or a statement of continuing eligibility (SOCE). The SOCE application is available on the State Ed department website. See the related FAQ for more information.
- The New York State Board of Regents established a new All Grades Students with Disabilities certificate as of Sept. 28, 2022.
- The general core in liberal arts and sciences is no longer a certification requirement as of April 27, 2022.
- NYSED changes to literacy teaching certification and science certification requirements as of June 29, 2022.
- The New York State Board of Regents redefined the definition of a year of experience for permanent or professional certification.
- Certification and licensing clarification fact sheet for teachers of English language learners