Dr. Raul D. Garcia
Social Workers & Psychologists Chapter Leader
Dear Colleagues,
Welcome to the UFT’s Social Workers and Psychologists Chapter’s website. I believe a strong chapter is crucial to our well-being, and, to that end, I hold regular chapter meetings and provide up-to-date information and resources to you. My goal is to ensure our voices are heard.
Our chapter is composed of many school-based and central-based subgroups, from the Committees on Special Educations to related service providers. Our chapter has significantly grown these past few years as the importance of our disciplines in schools has been increasingly recognized. As chapter leader, I advocate for growth while supporting current chapter members. But I need you! Your participation, input and feedback at meetings and events are important to identify and address problems and issues in the workplace.
On these pages, you'll find the names and contact information for the chapter’s Executive Board. I am proud to tell you that all positions on our Executive Board are filled, and we have the largest number of delegates in the history of our chapter. Due to our size, we're fortunate to have at least one chapter representative for each borough.
The "You Should Know" section on this page offers the answers to commonly-asked questions. Please familiarize yourself with this information and with your contract.
A few reminders:
- If you’re emailing me about work or the union, always send from your personal, non-DOE email account.
- For questions about salary, pension, health benefits and more, call the UFT at 212-331-6312.
- To receive the latest information from the union, register on the website to receive our emails.
- If your contact information changes, let us know! Update your information on the UFT’s website. Click on "My Account" in the upper right-hand corner of the website once you're logged in.
Thank you for everything you do!
Raul D. Garcia
Social Workers & Psychologists Chapter Leader
Join the union
If you are a DOE-employed social worker or psychologist, but not yet a UFT member, don’t wait to enroll! You’ll have comprehensive health benefits, job security, paid parental leave and superior workplace rights and benefits.
Sign up for UFT emails
We send out important chapter and union updates by email. To make sure you're subscribed, register on the UFT website. If you haven't been getting UFT emails, you can update your contact information by clicking "My Account."
Apply to work for the DOE
If you are a social worker or psychologist who does not work for the school system but would like to, check out career opportunities on the New York City DOE website.