UFT President Michael Mulgrew joins two of the union’s Albert Shanker Scholarship winners to talk about their experiences with remote learning, their future plans and social activism during the pandemic.

Season 2
UFT President Michael Mulgrew joins U.S. Senator Charles Schumer to discuss what educators can do to help get the federal HEROES Act passed into law. This vital legislation, which must pass the U.S. Senate, would provide $1 trillion for vital state and local services, including $100 billion for public schools, at a time when the pandemic has blown a large hole in state and local budgets nationwide.
New York State Board of Regents Chancellor Betty Rosa, a UFT Teacher Center instructional coach and a New York City public school parent join UFT President Michael Mulgrew to discuss the first two months of remote learning and how educators and parents need to drive decisions about the shape that schooling will take in the fall.
UFT President Michael Mulgrew talks to Meera Mangaroo of PS 18 in the Bronx, and Kirk Schneider of Urban Assembly Gateway School for Technology in Manhattan about how their schools and students are adapting to this new learning environment. He also talks with Tina Puccio, Director of the Member Assistance Program, about new services available for members coping with the challenges of the current crisis.
UFT President Michael Mulgrew talks about the support and counseling services the union is offering UFT members to help them cope with the stress and anxiety triggered by the school shutdown and the coronavirus crisis. He and Tina Puccio, the director of the union’s Member Assistance Program (MAP), talk about the need to stay connected even when everyone is practicing social distancing. For more information about MAP, go to www.uft.org/MAP
In this special edition of On the Record, UFT President Michael Mulgrew talks about the steps the union has taken during the coronavirus outbreak to help protect our members and communities. UFT industrial hygienist Jennifer Long joins the discussion to separate fact from fiction.
New York City and New York State stand to lose billions of federal aid dollars if all New Yorkers aren’t counted in the upcoming 2020 Census. At risk is money for schools, roads, hospitals, public transit and other vital services. The count starts on March 12. In the first part of the UFT's latest podcast, UFT President Michael Mulgrew and the Rev. Henry Allen Belin of First AME Church: Bethel talk about how educators and faith communities are working together to get people counted. In the second part, Mulgrew and NYC Census Director Julie Menin talk about how to break through the fear and indifference people have about filling out their Census forms.
In the second of a two-part series, “Am I Patient #6?”, UFT President Michael Mulgrew talks with the union’s point person for nursing, Anne Goldman, about why the UFT is fighting for legislation that would set mandatory staffing levels for surgical, emergency, critical and acute care units. Too many New York hospitals cut corners on nurse staffing, with most patients not knowing their risk of injury or death rises when a nurse-to-patient ratio increases — by even one patient — beyond 1:5.
Let’s say you land in a well-known New York hospital for a medical procedure or an emergency. The hospital is housed in an expensive, new building. You take for granted that there will be enough nurses on duty. You shouldn’t. Too many New York hospitals cut corners on nurse staffing, with most patients not knowing that their risk of injury or death rises when a nurse-to-patient ratio increases — by even one patient — beyond 1:5. In a two-part series, “Am I Patient #6?”, UFT President Michael Mulgrew hears from front-line ER nurse Howard Sandau about the dangers patients face when hospitals refuse to properly staff units, and the need for New York to pass a safe staffing law.
Teachers across the country are leading a labor resurgence as they fight for their students, their schools and their profession. Hear UFT President Michael Mulgrew and former New York Times labor reporter Steven Greenhouse discuss this movement as they talk about Greenhouse’s new book, “Beaten Down, Worked Up: The Past, Present and Future of American Labor” on the latest episode of “On the Record with Michael Mulgrew.”