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RTC Second Act

Giving a world of learning

Retired high school math teacher Mark Grashow supports the education of thousands of students in rural communities throughout Africa and the Middle East through the nonprofit he founded after retirement, the US-Africa Children's Fellowship.

Living swimmingly in retirement

Retired bilingual school social worker Eliot Winokur is making a splash in retirement as a competitive swimmer. He holds top 10 rankings on the U.S. Masters Swimming website for the United States and the world and says swimming is both fun and empowering.

Trading lesson plans for shopping lists

Retiree Lorraine Castro has traded in lesson plans for shopping lists since joining forces with her daughter, an in-service teacher at DeWitt Clinton HS in the Bronx, to launch Flavor Bandits, a food truck business that serves up empanadas and other food at events north of New York City.

Crafting a theatrical return in retirement

Retired Queens teacher Rebecca Owens-Goldhammer staged a theatrical return to her first love in crafting her Second Act in retirement -- as a designer of theatrical headpieces.

Retired teacher becomes a Dragon Sister

Retiree Rita Kelly is setting the world ablaze in her second act as a Dragon Sister, one of an all-woman crew of dragon boat racers in Florida, where she and her teammates brave the waters in a thousand-year-old sport of endurance and speed.

Making beautiful music after retirement

Music has long been the soundtrack to Nancy Dunetz's life, and now the retired English as a second language educator has found a new calling as a violist for two ensembles in New York City.