A school-based option ("SBO") allows UFT members at a school the ability to collaboratively modify contractual articles or to create positions not automatically allowed under the DOE-UFT contract. Members can use the SBO process to change their school schedule, including when members engage in professional development, parent engagement and Other Professional Work; change the dates for parent-teacher conferences; and create comp-time positions.
An SBO remains in effect for only one school year. It must be renewed every year to continue, which requires a vote of the chapter. The only SBO modification that does not sunset at the end of the school year is for elementary schools that are changing from an eight-period day to a seven-period day. If your elementary school wishes to return to an eight-period day, another SBO is required.
The approval process
An SBO can be proposed by either the principal or the chapter leader on behalf of the chapter. However, a principal cannot force the chapter to hold a vote on any SBO. An SBO cannot be adopted unless at least 55 percent of the UFT members voting support the modification.
All SBO voting is conducted through the secure Election Buddy online voting system. An SBO is adopted when 55 percent of the voting UFT members vote to support it.
Key information about SBOs
- SBO manual[updated March 2025]
- "All About SBOs" PowerPoint presentation[updated March 2025]
- Pre-approved SBO options under the 2023 contract
- Other sample SBO ballots [updated March 2025]
- DOE session time memo [2024-25 school year]
- OLR Guidance: SBO and workday [2024-25 school year]
- Compensatory time positions [updated May 2024]
- Sample SBO email from school chapter leader to members
- Contract Article 8B
- Central Dean job posting and fact sheet about the position