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Speech Chapter News

UFT’s large and diverse ‘family’

Union leaders and representatives from the union’s private, nonprofit and Department of Education functional chapters gathered at union headquarters on Jan. 16 to kick off a new union initiative intended to showcase and amplify the work of members in the diverse titles and collective bargaining units in the UFT.

Ways to build SEL skills in the classroom

As a school counselor, I recommend that classroom teachers do these four things to support students in their social-emotional growth. 

A safe Nest for autistic students

A team of teachers, speech therapists, occupational therapists and other related service providers create an environment where students with autism and general education students can learn in their 5th-grade Nest classroom at PS 682 in Brooklyn.

Tools to aid speaking and listening

There are excellent online audio and visual resources that speech improvement teachers and classroom teachers alike can use to help students develop their listening and speaking skills. These media-rich resources provide ways to listen to language and isolate specific sounds and words that may need attention.

Organizing for the win

More than a hundred 3- and 4-year-olds with disabilities at the Mosaic Pre-K Centers in Queens will now receive the related services they need to thrive, the culmination of a two-year organizing effort by the union and the broader school community.

Better Speech and Hearing Month Celebration

The city's speech teachers and their students were honored at the UFT's Better Speeh and Hearing Celebration, where a wide variety of therapies that speech teachers provide were highlighted.