Guidance for the 2022-23 School Year

Principals Digest & Hub Items
Excerpts from DOE Principals Digest and Principals Hub communications pertaining to Special Education topics
These updates can also be accessed on the DOE website - login is required
- 6/6 - Clarification on Initial Referrals for Special Education Services, Scheduling & Implementing Interventions
- 5/23 - Guidance for Schools on Accessing NYC Well and Children’s Mobile Crisis Teams
- 4/4 - Capture Adapted Physical Education (APE) Instruction in STARS
(see related guidance: DOE APE FAQ, DOE PE policies, APE NY state overview, APE state resources) - 10/18 - Review Language Supports for Parents of Students with IEPs
- 10/4 - Surrogate parent manual and appendix
- 10/4 - Guidelines and procedures for the assignment of surrogate parents
- 9/28 - Considering trauma in special education evaluations and IEP development
- 9/20 - New transition planning guide for students with disabilities (see related guidance document)