Special classes for ELLs/MLLs
English Language Learners (ELLs)/Multi-Lingual Learners (MLLs) recommended to receive specialized instruction in special classes may be served in bilingual special classes or in special classes with students who are not ELLs/MLLs.
- In bilingual special classes, a special education teacher with a bilingual extension is able to provide English as a New Language services to ELLs/MLLs.
- In non-bilingual special classes, Integrated English as a New Language services must be provided by a second teacher certified in English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL).
According to state regulations recently clarified by NYSED, a dually certified teacher in Students with Disabilities and ESOL is not permitted to provide ENL services.
When programming students to receive integrated ENL services, IEP-mandated student ratios must be maintained.