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Educational Vision Services

Vincent Pedulla


Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to our Educational Vision Services Chapter website. As your chapter leader, I encourage you to visit this page regularly to receive UFT updates and pertinent news that affects us as teachers.

As we continue itinerant teaching in a post-coronavirus world, I know we will face many challenges. I am here to help with these issues, and hopefully we can work together to overcome the hurdles we face as a chapter.

If you are new, please create an account on the UFT website to receive important emails about our chapter and our union.

You can reach the UFT with general questions at 212-598-6841. You can reach me directly at 646-887-7173 or Please contact me any time.

Whether you leave a phone message or send an email, remember to give me your non-DOE contact information — use your non-DOE email address or, if you call, use a personal phone number.

As professionals who serve students throughout the five boroughs, the challenge we face is to stay connected and offer support and encouragement to each other. My hope is that this website and our chapter’s newsletters will help to accomplish this.

As your chapter leader, I am here to serve you. As your union, the UFT is ready to help you. Please reach out with concerns, suggestions or ideas.

I look forward to working together to empower our chapter and our students.


Vincent Pedulla
Educational Vision Services Chapter Leader