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Union in a budget fight on two fronts

UFT President Michael Mulgrew told delegates at the Delegate Assembly on Jan. 17 that the union faces both a city and a state budget fight this spring.

UFT lawsuit takes on mayor’s budget cuts

UFT President Michael Mulgrew told union delegates at the Delegate Assembly on Jan. 17 that the UFT is moving full steam ahead with its lawsuit to stop Mayor Eric Adams’ school budget cuts. He said the mayor’s budget restorations in mid-January amounted to only a fraction of the overall cuts.

UFT sues over ‘congestion’ plan

The UFT, along with seven New York City public school teachers and the Staten Island borough president, filed a federal lawsuit on Jan. 4 seeking to halt the implementation of congestion pricing in Manhattan. The suit charges that the plan’s potential negative impact on traffic and air quality in the surrounding areas was not adequately studied, and the “regressive and discriminatory pricing” of the tolls violates the constitutional rights of the individual plaintiffs. 

Union presents legislative priorities to state lawmakers

UFT President Michael Mulgrew and other union officers gathered at the Corning Tower Observation Deck in Albany on Jan. 29 to make the case for the union’s 2024 legislative priorities with state lawmakers. “We have a lot of challenges, as always, in front of us,” UFT President Michael Mulgrew told them. 

Contract’s next pay increase comes on Jan. 18

The next 3% pay increase from our 2023 contract is scheduled to take effect on Thursday, Jan. 18.

Guidance for proctoring Regents exams

If you are assigned as a hall monitor or proctor for Regents exams, please review the DOE's guidance.