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Resolution on school-related personnel

The UFT recognizes our outstanding school-related professionals and pays tribute to them for their important contributions to the New York City school system and to the United Federation of Teachers.

Videos for members

The UFT has created the following instructional videos for members on topics such as retirement, benefits, reimbursements and other helpful information.

2022 Nurses Recognition Day Celebration

At the Federation of Nurses/UFT Nurse Recognition Day Celebration on May 17, members celebrated 20 nurses for their advocacy, leadership, union work and distinguished service, and they reveled in being together to honor their work and their profession for the first time since the pandemic began.

Talking to Teens about Mental Health, Part 1: How to talk to teens

Teenagers test limits and push boundaries. But some behaviors, such as withdrawing from friends and family or increased anger and mood swings, may indicate your teenager or child is struggling with their mental health. In this episode of Classroom Café, we are joined by Lexi Mulee, a licensed mental health clinician and the founder of Wise Mind Counseling. Mulee specializes in working with teens and will discuss ways to build positive relationships with them as well as the warning signs that your student may need help.

2022 Spring Education Conference

The UFT’s annual Spring Education Conference on May 21, which attracted more than a thousand union members, featured a panel discussion led by city educators, workshops on building resilience and teaching multilingual learners, an exhibit fair showcasing the work of career and technical education students, speeches from top city and state officials and a keynote address by UFT President Michael Mulgrew

Testimony regarding the New York City FY23 Executive Budget and Capital Commitment Plan

UFT President Michael Mulgrew testified before the New York City Council Committee on Finance regarding the city's fiscal year 2023 executive budget and capital commitment plan.

Provider Appreciation Awards Ceremony 2022

Outstanding members of the UFT Family Child Care Providers Chapter were celebrated before 232 of their colleagues, family members and friends at the ninth annual Provider Appreciation Awards Ceremony on Friday, May 13, in Shanker Hall.

Recharge this summer

Everyone can benefit from a vacation during the summer months. Allowing yourself to take a true break also gives you the opportunity to cultivate new interests, catch up on reading, exercise (maybe even try a new form), painting, gardening or...

Resolution to stand against gun violence

The union supports Governor Hochul’s measures in New York, reaffirms its longstanding support for a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines, as well as other gun safety laws, and will work with the American Federation of...

Asian American curriculum resolution

The UFT supports the inclusion of AAPIs in the DOE Mosaic Curriculum; and may it be further resolved, that the UFT partner with the Asian American Education Project in moving forward state legislation supporting the inclusion of curriculum...