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Resolution to support Jun. 12 rally for fair contracts for all NYC municipal workers

It is important for labor to demonstrate strength and unity in the face of attacks on unions by the Bloomberg administration, therefore, be it resolved that the UFT will fully support this rally and actively encourage members to turn out for the...

Resolution in support of the labor rights of Bangladeshi garment workers

The United Federation of Teachers will work with the American Federation of Teachers to call on all U.S. retailers that use Bangladeshi suppliers to immediately begin working with international labor rights groups and sign onto a fire and building...

Resolution to support the 2013 Gay Pride March

The United Federation of Teachers has a rich and proud history of standing up for civil and human rights, promoting issues of fair pay, safe working conditions, health care and equal rights free from discrimination on the basis of race, creed, gender...

Resolution to support Legal Services Association, UAW Local 2320

The UFT supports our sisters and brothers at the Legal Services Association, UAW - Local 2320, who were forced to go on strike on May 15.

Resolution to support Legal Services Association, UAW Local 2320

The UFT supports our sisters and brothers at the Legal Services Association, UAW - Local 2320, who were forced to go on strike on May 15.

Victim Support Program

The Victim Support Program, co-sponsored by the UFT’s school safety division and the DOE, provides psychological support and practical assistance for staff members who are victims of workplace violence. The program offers victim outreach...

UFT Member Discounts

Using the same bargaining power the union devotes to negotiate strong contracts for its members, the UFT has negotiated special member-only discounts for apparel, gifts, travel and more through our UFT-Mobile app.

Gun-control thesis ‘fallacious’

Retired Teacher Chapter Leader Tom Murphy argues in his column [“Stopping gun violence a priority,” May 2] that Congress must follow the lead set by the New York State Legislature and governor “to pass strong and effective gun-control legislation.”