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VP for Education

Mary Vaccaro is the UFT vice president for education. She was elected by the union’s Executive Board in September 2020. Mary, a graduate of Adelphi University, received her bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and her master’s degree in Early...

Resolution calling for a moratorium on high-stakes consequences for state tests

The UFT calls for a moratorium on attaching high-stakes consequences to state tests until representatives of all interested parties — including parents and educators — have worked with members of Congress, the state Legislature, the state...

Resolution calling on the Panel for Education Policy to end the overemphasis on standardized testing

The UFT calls on the Panel for Educational Policy to put test scores into perspective as one among many measures of a child’s ability and progress and to focus instead on improving curriculum and ensuring that teachers and schools get the support and...

Resolution on amending state Constitution

The UFT resolves to support the proposed amendment of the state Constitution to allow the state Legislature to authorize and regulate up to seven casinos, which will promote job growth, increase aid to schools, and permit local governments to lower...

Building 'communities'

Article Eight — Education Reform

School-Based Management/Shared Decision-Making (SBM / SDM) back to top The Union and the Board agree that SBM / SDM is a process in which all members of the school community collaborate in identifying issues, defining goals, formulating policy and...

Article Nine — Procedures for Handling Special Behavior Problems

The Board agrees that the procedures and policies concerning the problem of disruptive children, embodied in the Special Circular which is reproduced in Appendix B following this Agreement, will not be changed during the term of this Agreement...

Article Ten — Safety and Health

Assistance in Assault Cases back to top The principal shall report as soon as possible but within 24 hours to the Office of Legal Services, to the Chief Executive of School Safety and Planning and to the Victim Support Program that an assault upon a...

Larceny & Theft Prevention Tips

Take these simple preventative measures to safeguard your personal property at school.

William (Bill) Woolfson

Like a lot of other very talented people Bill Woolfson got into teaching because the alternative was the unemployment line. When Woolfson walked into Boys HS in 1937 he was already 34 years old.