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The challenges ahead

The most pressing issues facing us this school year are the mayor’s needless budget cuts that we fought against throughout the summer, a class size bill that requires the governor’s signature to become law, and contract negotiations that we are eager...

One step closer to smaller classes

Smaller class sizes make parents feel better about their child’s education, makes children feel more seen in class and allows teachers’ hard work to become more effective. The bill passed by the state Legislature on June 2 takes us one step closer.

Educators deserve seat at policy table

The past two years have proven that New York City is home to some of the most skilled and hard-working educators in the country. The highest form of respect comes when education policy makers really listen to what these classroom educators have to...

In support of community schools

If ever there was a time when the need for schools to serve as community centers was self-evident, it is now. Our union’s United Community Schools initiative, now nearly 10 years old, serves as a lifeline for thousands of students and their families...

More challenges ahead

We are operating in a constantly changing environment. You’re teaching and supporting children while enforcing social distancing and mask-wearing, conducting instructional lunches and navigating partial classroom closures. As flexible as we’ve all...

Rolling up our sleeves once again

We are heading into another really tough school year. And once again, the mayor waited until the last minute to make major policy decisions regarding public schools.

A new level of investment

There is a new level of investment in public schools and it didn't happen by accident. It's a reminder that at every level, elections matter. Your voice matters. When we pull together, we can shift public policy in meaningful ways. That's our power...

Mulgrew visits co-located schools on the William J. O'Shea Campus, Manhattan

UFT President Michael Mulgrew visited MS 245, MS 247 and PS 334 — three co-located schools on the William J. O'Shea Campus in Manhattan — to walk through the site and check in on members.

A shot at normalcy

The change in leadership in Washington, which has brought us a president who supports public education and honors teachers, is a solid foundation for the enormous work we must do as we continue to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic...

Our members step up — as always

As the pandemic brings economic devastation to our communities, UFT members are helping to bring hope. The union is working with community partners to deliver food and address the other needs of our children and their families