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Class size isn’t the only challenge

I suspect these 72 schools in the class-size pilot program are some of the lowest performing with some of the biggest obstacles. One obstacle may or may not be class size. The city Department of Education will pilot this program, most of the 72 schools will NOT show a major improvement (because class size is NOT their biggest challenge) and then the DOE will turn and say “See, we tried, but class size doesn’t really matter.” And then they will ignore our overcrowded classes for the next 20 years.

No politics in class

Keep political opinions out of the schools.

We must vote our interests

Many don’t realize it, but the most important story in the April 22 edition was headlined “Chicago teachers’ broad bargaining rights restored.”

The lifeblood of democracy

Perhaps a course in propaganda should be a new requirement.

Back to school

Parents should have a choice between remote and in-person learning.

Beat the Mets

I urge all to boycott the Mets — this despite my having been a fan of the team for nearly 60 years. The new owner, Steve Cohen, has slapped all the fans — and particularly teachers — in the face by bringing Chris Christie onto the Mets’ board of directors.