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Trader Joe’s

I made the huge mistake of leaving to teach in the suburbs.

Fossil fuels

Why is the Teachers’ Retirement System divesting from fossil fuel companies?

The value of CTE

College is not for everyone and CTE high schools can teach valuable skills to students who will not go to college or can’t afford college.

Second Act is first-rate

An insight into our lives after retirement is uplifting and a source of appreciation for the peace of mind made possible by the stability of a pension system and a strong union. 

Remote can be out of control

This whole online and hybrid system is a mess! IPads are terrible for remote learning. Perhaps whoever made this decision should have tried to access the platforms the students are expected to use.


An educated public is the ultimate check on government abuse and, as such, teachers have become essential workers in our very fragile democracy. Our schools must emphasize critical thinking skills where evidence is used to support assertions.