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Climate & Environmental Justice Committee

The UFT Climate and Environmental Justice Committee is dedicated to advocating for effective policies and actions both inside and outside the UFT.

Resolution to promote humanitarianism in the Middle East

The United Federation of Teachers calls upon those working to de-escalate the conflict also work to promote humanitarianism. The UFT remains committed to the founding principles of building across differences for a better world.

Testimony on the new phonics-based curriculum and dyslexia screening

Mary Vaccaro, UFT Vice President for Education, submitted testimony before the oversight hearing of the New York City Council Education Committee jointly with the Committee on State and Federal Legislation on the new phonics-based curriculum and...

Resolution in support of migrant families

The UFT will fight the mayor's unnecessary budget cuts and reaffirm that we are proud to serve all students in this city regardless of migration status.

Substitute teacher and paraprofessional resolution

The UFT calls for more flexibility in the nomination of substitute teachers and paraprofessionals, and for the DOE to consider a Hard-to-Staff differential for substitutes serving schools that have had difficulty filling positions.

Resolution on improving climate-related readiness and preparation for NYC public schools

The DOE and the UFT shall reassess existing safety plans to enhance preparedness for climate-induced incidents. The city should err on the side of safety and proactively utilize remote instruction when impending emergencies are detected.

Resolution to call on the Panel for Educational Policy to end high-stakes standardized testing in grades 3-5

The UFT calls on the Panel for Educational Policy to end high-stakes standardized testing in grades 3-5 so schools and teachers can focus on curriculum that promotes students’ academic performance as well as their well-being.

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Short-staffing to cost NYU Langone Hospital-Brooklyn

An independent arbitrator has held NYU Langone Hospital-Brooklyn financially responsible when the hospital short-staffed one of its units. Arbitrator Howard Edelman ruled that for each missing nurse, the hospital must split the average nurse’s shift...

Teachers sue to halt Adams budget cuts to education

The United Federation of Teachers, joined by individual teachers, filed suit in Manhattan State Supreme Court to stop the Adams administration from cutting as much as $2 billion from city schools.