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Using our credibility

The attacks from this administration on our hard-earned benefits and on our aspirations for the society we helped build require that, in this national crisis, we use all our mutual credibility to secure our future.

Labor gets out the vote for Biden-Harris

Labor unions ramped up their efforts to help elect former Vice President Joe Biden to the presidency. The AFT organized members to call and text voters in 15 states while the SEIU is focusing on reaching voters of color.

As you vote, remember: Joe Biden gets us

Looking through the lenses of education policy and labor issues, the best candidate for president is Joe Biden — someone who is focused on our dignity, pay, benefits and the workplace protections we deserve.

UFT makes final push in key races

The UFT mobilized members to get out the vote for Joe Biden for president and other candidates up and down the ballot who support the union's education, economic and labor agendas.

Help get out the vote on Nov. 3

Help the UFT and our state affiliate, New York State United Teachers, elect candidates who support our issues.

Resolution in support of the UFT endorsing Kevin C. Riley in his special election for New York City Council

The UFT endorses Kevin Riley in his special election for New York City Council District 12 in the Bronx as we believe he will be a strong ally for working people, our schools and our community.

Union never quit on Census push

The UFT has been working tirelessly all year with its members and with public school families to try to boost New York City’s participation in the U.S. Census.

Change we need

In less than two months we’ll have the chance to put the country back on the right track. There’s never been a clearer choice. Voting for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be a vote for good government, public schools and working families.

Union members get free legal plan

There is now another reason it pays to be a UFT member. The union has negotiated a free legal service plan for members only. The program gives UFT members access to an attorney who can answer legal questions, write letters on their behalf, review...

How to vote in the June 23 primary election

To make sure New Yorkers stay safe during the upcoming June 23 primary while encouraging participation, Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently ordered changes to the voting process. To check the spread of the coronavirus, all registered voters may apply for an...