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Cogen winner Pallotta a homegrown fighter

Andy Pallotta doesn’t walk away from challenges. From his days as the chapter leader at PS 32 in the Bronx to his current role as president of the UFT’s state affiliate, New York State United Teachers, Pallotta has continued to take on whatever...

UFT to form district political teams

UFT President Michael Mulgrew announced at the first Delegate Assembly of the school year on Oct. 16 that the union would like every school district to have a political action team in place to keep friends of public education in office and get...

Hear them out

The UFT invited former vice president and 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden to speak at Teacher Union Day on Oct. 20. In May, New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who has who has since dropped out of the race, addressed the UFT Spring Education...

UFT endorses Williams for public advocate

The UFT has endorsed incumbent Jumaane Williams for New York City public advocate in the Nov. 5 general election. The decision passed the union’s executive board on Oct. 21.

Joe Biden to speak at Teacher Union Day

The United Federation of Teachers, as part of its national union’s presidential endorsement process, will host Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden at the UFT’s annual Teacher Union Day on Oct. 20 in New York City.

On the Record with Michael Mulgrew

Welcome to On the Record with Michael Mulgrew, a podcast series featuring UFT President Michael Mulgrew discussing the issues of the day with special guests. Topics include the UFT’s Student Debt Relief Program, the Bronx Collaborative Schools Plan...

Albany passes patient protection legislation

In a big victory for the UFT, union-supported legislation curbing hospitals from charging exorbitant fees to out-of-network patients for emergency care passed both houses of the state legislature in June and now needs Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s signature to...

I no longer want to contribute to COPE. How do I opt-out?

Mail or fax a paper stating you would like to cancel your COPE contribution. The request should include your Name, Member ID# or File# and most recent mailing address. Once we receive the request, it is processed and sent to the City. Once processed...

How can I contribute to COPE?

The simplest way to contribute to COPE is by signing a payroll deduction form, which pledges you to pay a specified amount of your choice each month to the COPE fund. You can contribute as much as you like; typically members contribute at least $5...

What is COPE?

The Committee on Political Education (COPE) is the UFT’s political action arm. It funds lobbying of federal, state and city officials and helps elect candidates who support the union’s goals and positions, particularly in the areas of education...