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Science grows in Brooklyn

Dressed in crisp, white lab coats, students gave tours of the new science lab at MS 484 in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, on March 13 and had the opportunity to see the hydroponic growing systems they had been studying in action.

May 17, 2007: 12,000 family child care providers request UFT representation

Thirteen years ago, home-based child care providers marked a milestone in their campaign to join the UFT.

Chapter leaders rise to the occasion

Chapter leaders step up to help teachers adjust to remote learning.

‘Van Buren HS, this is Mission Control’

Students at Martin Van Buren HS in Queens had an extraterrestrial experience on March 13, when they hosted a live videoconference with an astronaut aboard the International Space Station.

Remote control

As teachers navigate the world of remote classrooms, they get a boost from tech-savvy colleagues.

UFT Teacher Center played vital role

The UFT Teacher Center, a comprehensive school-based professional development program, provides vital technology assistance and ongoing support to educators on both technology and content issues.

Painting the bigger picture

Janet Lombardi and her son, Zach, are both Staten Island teachers, who share their passion for activism through art with their elementary school students.

A room for nursing moms

IS 61 now has a “calm, quiet and clean” lactation room thanks to the efforts of Hearing Education Services Chapter Leader Raquel Sepulveda and the school's principal and parent coordinator.

Noteworthy graduate: Dr. Sara Guevara, family medicine physician

Dr. Sara Guevara built on the mentoring and support she received in Brooklyn public schools to become a family medicine physician who is working in underserved communities in New York City.

March 16, 1960: The UFT is founded

On March 16, 1960, members of the Teachers Guild voted to merge with the High School Teachers Association to form the United Federation of Teachers.