WHEREAS, April 4, 2018 will serve as the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; and
WHEREAS, when he was killed, Dr. King was supporting striking Memphis sanitation workers who, with their union, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, were fighting for safe working conditions, a decent salary and retirement security under the slogan “I Am A Man”; and
WHEREAS, at the 2017 AFL-CIO convention in St. Louis, the delegates adopted Resolution 43 in support of “I Am 2018,” a national labor and community campaign to honor the legacy of Dr. King and recommit to our efforts to secure the rights and benefits of working people; and
WHEREAS, the New York City Central Labor Council will be hosting a local campaign in support of the “I Am 2018” initiative, including public events and service projects in New York City between January and April 2018; and
WHEREAS, the United Federation of Teachers is committed to the fight for economic justice, respect in the workplace, and retirement security and works closely with the affiliates of the New York City Central Labor Council and the AFL-CIO; so be it, therefore
RESOLVED, that the UFT will actively participate in the “I Am 2018” campaign, culminating with events in Memphis in the first week of April 2018.