Classroom teachers
Imagine having a trusted, veteran teacher with topnotch peer assistance skills in your corner, supporting you in your work, and helping you build on it. Think of getting the support you need to become a confident effective educator reaching young minds.
That’s what PIP is about.
There are as many styles of assistance as there are participants. It depends on your needs and goals. Generally, if you participate, you and your assigned peer partner (who has demonstrated teaching and interpersonal skills) will help you reach your goal by:
- Planning an individualized professional development program
- Carrying out the plan
- Refining and redefining your professional goals
You will work together regularly for up to one year, which includes the peer partner modeling instruction for you in your classroom, giving you constructive feedback about your teaching, and meeting together. Each day, by implementing your plan, you’ll have the tools you need to become successful and monitor your progress. The program is voluntary and confidential.
Time to move on?
PIP participants can choose to pursue alternative options by revisiting their career goals with help from the PIP’s alternative careers liaison. At times, it becomes clear to both the participant and the peer partner that it’s time to consider a career change, either in another capacity in the school system or in education, or a career that’s completely different. The liaison works with participants who, despite their best efforts, are not seeing the success they would like. Services, which are confidential, include career counseling, resume writing, interview skills and researching career opportunities. The liaison will also assist those who are looking toward retirement.
Change can be stressful — even positive change!
Short-term, goal-oriented counseling is available to participants experiencing emotional difficulties while in collaboration. If appropriate, the PIP counseling support services liaison will make referrals to other mental health professionals to follow up the short-term counseling. The counseling service is voluntary and confidential.