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Teach for America helps charter movement

The Walton Family Foundation, created by the founder of Walmart, failed to reveal that its $20 million grant to Teach For America in 2013 to recruit and train nearly 4,000 teachers for low-income schools had unusual terms intended to boost charter...

California embraces community schooling

California is launching a seven-year initiative to convert potentially thousands of schools into full-service, parent-focused community schools.

Preparing for tenure

It is important for teachers in their probationary period (which lasts four years and a day) to be proactive about communicating with the principal about earning tenure and staying on top of their certification requirements.

Article 13 — Leaves

Condolence Leave: A Registered Nurse shall be granted a paid leave of absence of up to five (5) days in the event of the death of the Registered Nurse’s parent, spouse, domestic partner, child, grandchild, brother, sister or grandparent. A Registered...


The Family Child Care Providers Chapter signed and ratified its second contract with the state’s Office of Children and Family Services ( OCFS ) in 2014. It expires in 2017. The chapter’s previous contract was signed and ratified in 2009.

Initial Planning Conference (IPC) toolkit for teacher observations & evaluation

DOE guidance for administrators and teachers on best practices for the initial planning conference (IPC).

Article Ten — Leaves

A. Cumulative Absence Reserves and Sick Leave Employees on regular appointment reinstated after retirement will be credited with the cumulative reserves remaining to their credit upon retirement and such reserves as they accumulated as regular...

Building 'communities'