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Under New York State law, appointed educators achieve tenure after completing a probationary period.

What is considered bereavement leave?

You may take time following the death of a family member without loss of CAR days. If your parent, child, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, spouse or domestic partner, or parent of spouse or domestic partner or any other relative or step-relative of...

Article Nineteen — Leaves

A. Sick Leave Employees will be granted one day’s sick leave with pay for each month of work during the regular school year. Unused sick leave shall be cumulative from month to month during the school year and from year to year up to a maximum of 145...

Trump administration proposes education cuts again

The Trump administration’s budget proposal for 2020, released on March 11, includes a $7.1 billion cut to the U.S. Department of Education. This is the third time the White House has sought to slash education funding. Though Congress has largely...

If I need to get screened for cancer, do I need to use my sick time/CAR days? If I need to leave work for a cancer screening, is it paid or unpaid time?

Leaving work for the purpose of cancer screening for up to four hours per year is considered paid leave and you do not have to use your sick time. This time is allowable for all types of cancer screenings. Accommodations will be made for DOE...

Management Pay Plan lawsuit update

The following information concerns the UFT lawsuit against the DOE over the 2 percent increase the DOE gave employees enrolled in the Management Pay Plan but not to members of the Administrative Education Officers and Analysts Chapter. On Aug. 29, a...

Capably Disabled FAQ

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a law passed by Congress in 1990 that prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in employment, State and local government, public accommodations, commercial facilities, transportation, and...

Agreement on restart and transformation schools

This is the memorandum of agreement reached in July 2011 between the UFT and the DOE concerning "persistently lowest achieving" schools that have been assigned to the restart and transformation models established by the federal goverment.