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Article Six — Hours and Work Year

A. Schedule of Hours The daily schedule of hours for attendance teachers shall be from 8:30 a.m. to 3:40 p.m., including a lunch period of 30 minutes, except as otherwise provided in Article Seven A (Special Assignments) . Effective February 2006...

Kudos to Anne Wine, PS 150, Queens

PS 150 Chapter Leader Anne Wine successfully went to bat for three probationary teachers in her Queens school who were being treated unfairly.

Deal increases aid for city schools by $525M

The state budget adopted on May 2 includes a substantial increase in state aid for New York City schools. City schools will receive an additional $525 million, a 4.2$ increase over last year.

Chancellor's Regulation A-701: School Health Services

The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene is responsible for providing health services pursuant to the New York City Charter and the New York City Health Code. The Department of Education of the City of New York is responsible for...

Can I request time off on Election Day to vote?

Now that early voting has been instituted across the state, the DOE no longer grants release time to vote on Election Day. To learn more about early voting, visit NYC Votes for upcoming dates and polling sites.

Article Ten — Unpaid Leaves

A leave of absence without pay for study not to exceed one year to upgrade the Employee's professional knowledge and skills may be granted after a minimum of three years of full-time, paid service or the equivalent at the Board of Education provided...

Article Eight — Professional Conferences

Professional conferences of employees covered by this Agreement, called at the discretion of their supervisor, shall continue to be held during regular working hours. Applications from nurses and therapists to attend professional conferences will be...

Resolution supporting California teachers unions' defense of due process and seniority rights

The UFT strongly supports the vigorous efforts of our colleagues in the California Federation of Teachers and the California Teachers Association in defending against the deceitful and dangerous claims of a lawsuit now being heard in a California...