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The magic of art

School social worker Maureen Eigenfeld has made art the cornerstone of her therapeutic work with students at the Bronx Writing Academy, a United Community School in Concourse Village.

Article Nine —Sick Leave and Annual Leave

A. Annual Leave Nurses and therapists (full-time and part-time) shall no longer accrue or be permitted to use annual leave time starting September 1, 2005, except as authorized below. All annual leave accruals to the credit of nurses and therapists...

About Family Child Care Providers

We are the thousands of family child care providers in New York City who have decided to fight back. After two years of struggle, we voted in October 2007 to join the United Federation of Teachers, the largest education union in the city.

Why Unionize?

As child care providers, we provide a crucial service to New York City's low-income and working families. Without us, many working parents couldn't hold a job! Despite our important role in the city's economy, the way we are paid and treated is...

Article Twenty Two — Hours of Work

The regular workweek of full-time Employees shall consist of 40 hours per week scheduled from Monday through Friday. The regular workweek of part-time Employees shall not exceed five (5) days. The regular workday for full-time Employees covered by...

Resolution to support New York City paraprofessionals’ fight for a living wage and fair contract

The UFT shall educate its members about the significant implications of the Paraprofessionals and Education Support Staff Bill of Rights and the Preparing and Retaining All (PARA) Educators Act, emphasizing the potential benefits for...

Important Notices

ALL MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAMS Descriptions of master’s degree programs have been provided to the UFT Course Program by the collaborating colleges or universities. Any problem, issues or concerns regarding this information or your academic status must...

Article Seven — Career Training

It is the joint purpose of the parties that employees in the bargaining unit be afforded an opportunity to qualify for advancement to professional positions including positions other than classroom teacher, with the Board of Education through...

Figueroa's legacy

Hector Figueroa, the president of 32BJ Service Employees International Union who died on July 11, was an exemplary partner in the critical fight for social and economic justice.