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Transfer of power

RTC Chapter Leader Tom Murphy says the long wait for an outcome in the presidential election has been worth it. "I look for Biden to express the best we as a nation have to offer," he says.

ICT class ratios & variances

The number of students with disabilities in an Integrated Co-Teaching class may not exceed 40 percent of the total class register with a maximum of 12 students with disabilities.

Celebrating ‘an equitable education for all’

UFT members were among the thousands of educators, parents and students who turned out on Oct. 13 for a day of celebration of public schools organized by United Way of New York City.

Article Six — Hours And Work Year

A. Hours School Secretaries Serving in Schools A school secretary serving in a school will have an uninterrupted lunch period within the basic seven hour and 20 minute working day equal to the length of the lunch period of teachers in the school. The...

Exercising tech options for phys ed

Digital tools can be helpful additions to physical education classes to enhance student motivation, fine-tune form, accommodate differentiation and offer choices to students.

Putting a new spin on learning

Using the school cafeteria as a shop, 4th-graders at PS 143 in Corona, Queens, learn bike mechanics, incorporating hands-on elements into their study of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).

The facts about prior authorization

The following email was sent on March 4, 2023, to all members of the Retired Teachers Chapter from UFT President Michael Mulgrew and Retired Teachers Chapter Leader Tom Murphy.

Evaluation for teachers not covered by Advance

Teachers not covered by the new evaluation and support system will continue to be evaluated in the same way as previous years.

Get ready, Get set, VOTE!

It’s time again for Retired Teachers Chapter elections. Every three years, RTC members vote to elect who they want to lead their chapter. 

Article Nineteen — Union Activities, Privileges and Responsibilities

Restriction on Union Activities back to top No teacher shall engage in Union activities during the time he/she is assigned to teaching or other duties, except that members of the Union's negotiating committee and its special consultants shall, upon...