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Class struggles: The UFT story, part 3

The Big Bang theory may be right about the origin of the universe, but it isn’t much help when it comes to explaining the making of a union. Like other unions, the UFT didn’t just explode onto the scene in 1960.

Terms of Use

These terms of use are entered into by and between You and The United Federation of Teachers (“ the Union", "we" or "us"). The following terms and conditions ("Terms of Use"), govern your access to and use of the website , including any...

Elephants in the Wild and in Captivity

This unit will provide information about the physical, behavioral and social needs of elephants. Students will explore the behaviors of elephants in the wild including family structure and relationships, home ranges, and diminishing habitat. Students...

Class struggles: The UFT story, part 5

Nat Levine will never forget the time his principal made the mistake of tangling with a young union organizer.

Article Twelve — Excessing and Layoff

A. Excessing Rules - Appointed Secretaries Before applying the Rules for involuntary excessing, the senior school secretary within license who volunteers will be excessed from the school to a vacancy within the same district or in the case of high...

Article Eleven — Excessing and Layoff

A. Excessing Rules-Appointed Psychologists and Social Workers Before applying the Rules for involuntary excessing, the senior social worker or psychologist (as applicable) who volunteers will be excessed to a vacancy within the same superintendency...

Article Eleven — Retention, Excessing and Layoff

A. Retention and Seniority of Substitutes Seniority shall govern in the retention of regular substitutes as follows: Persons on the regular attendance teacher eligible list who have substitute certificates have preference over all other persons for...