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Provider Wellness: Financials

Will I have to provide financial documents in order for Provider Wellness to determine what level of benefits I qualify for?
No. Provider Wellness is open to all NYC-based family child care providers with at least one HRA/ACS child in care, regardless of income. The only place your income comes into play is that it may impact what health insurance you already have (e.g. Medicaid, Essential Plan, Qualified Health Plan from the marketplace) independent of Provider Wellness and that will impact which of our two Dental Care options make most sense for you. That said, we will not be asking for or reviewing your financial documents to determine which Dental Care plan to enroll you in (should you choose to enroll in the Dental Care plan at all). Instead, we simply ask you to share with us what type of insurance you currently have so we can provide you with the correct dental coverage.

Will participating in Provider Wellness affect my taxes/income, Medicaid, or any other form of public assistance I receive?
No. This will not affect those in any way. The benefits you receive through Provider Wellness are not considered income and therefore will not affect your taxes, eligibility for Medicaid, or eligibility any other income-based form of public assistance.

Will participating in Provider Wellness affect my existing insurance?
No. Any insurance-related benefits from Provider Wellness are considered secondary insurances. Your existing insurance (if any) will pay first and then the Provider Wellness coverage will take over after that. Your existing insurance provider (if any) does not need to know about (and likely will not know about) your Provider Wellness benefits.