Do the short winter days leave you feeling down? Join Dr. Gail Brightwell, a licensed school psychologist with the Positive Learning Collaborative, to learn about the impact of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and how the changing seasons can affect our mental health. In conversation with the UFT Member Assistance Program staff, Dr. Brightwell shares practical strategies and expert advice for managing SAD, as well as self-care tips to prioritize your mental well-being so you can stay balanced through the darker months.
Season 6
Do you always sweat the small stuff? Hold back until everything is just right? Let small flaws ruin the big picture? Listen in as Debbie Missud, licensed mental health counselor and owner of the Manhattan Psychotherapy Collective, discusses perfectionism with the UFT’s MAP team. Missud explains why people tend to develop perfectionistic tendencies and shares practical strategies and tips to help manage these tendencies and cultivate a more balanced mindset.
Happy National Book Month! Celebrate with the Brewing Wellness Podcast as we discuss the power of literature in healing and personal growth. Sherry Reiter, LCSW, a “poetry therapist” and founder of the Creative Righting Center, talks with Vincent Corletta, an ELA teacher from Queens, about practical strategies to bring reading and writing into your own wellness journey. For more on Sherry’s work, visit
In the Season 6 premiere of the Brewing Wellness podcast, Jessica Torres, a licensed master social worker with the Victim Support Program, talks with District 11 Representative Dana Falciglia about navigating the transition into a new season. Listen in as they discuss both the highs and the lows in the change of season and ways to manage the emotions that often come along with these shifts.