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Provider Wellness: Lifestyle Coaching & Wellbeing Resources

Is this benefit offered in-person or virtually?
These services are 100% virtual.

What types of coaching are there?
There are two types: Individual (one-on-one) and Group. You can do as many or as few one-on-one sessions as you like and schedule them when convenient to you. The group sessions are organized around a cohort of fellow providers (minimum 3, maximum 15) and consist of twelve 30-minute meetings that take place once-per-week in the evening. Read more details about this program

I’ve heard about rewards for participation. What are those all about?
Anyone who completes either six individual sessions or a fully twelve-session group program will receive a $50 gift card. While participants may enjoy the benefits of more individual and group sessions throughout the year, they are only eligible for one completion gift card per year. In addition, as an incentive to encourage participation upfront, we are hosting a number of raffles in which we raffle off $100 Amazon gift cards among anyone who has simply registered on the WellSpark platform and are also giving away $25 Amazon gift cards to the first batch of providers who sign up for either group or individual coaching.