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Monkeys and Apes

This unit will enable students to identify monkeys and apes and the similarities they share with humans. Students will learn that monkeys and apes are animals, what they eat, where they live and how group members interact and cooperate. The...

The Study of Natural Insect Populations

The activities of this unit will provide students with hands-on manipulative experience, an introduction to the skills of behavioral observation and data collection and an appreciation of the complex nature of insect ecology and behavior.

Student Intervention and Discipline Code and Bill of Student Rights and Responsibilities - Grades 6-12

Included in this document is the Student Bill of Rights and Responsibilities which promotes responsible student behavior and an atmosphere of dignity and respect by establishing guidelines to help students as they strive to become productive citizens...

Dog and Cat Overpopulation

The activities in this unit will provide students with understanding concerning the selection, care, training and health of their cat or dog.

Nature Therapy

Studies have shown being outdoors can lessen blood pressure, sharpen your focus, improve your mood and, when combined with physical activities such as walking, hiking or swimming, lessen depression and boost your immune system.

Leaving no stone unturned at Green-Wood

A tour about pollinators and another that focuses on architecture are just two of the many educational tours that can serve as class trips at The Green-Wood Cemetery, a 478-acre National Historic Landmark chartered in 1838 in western Brooklyn.

Randi Weingarten

Realization of what was happening took several minutes. Cognizance of the magnitude of the death and destruction took hours. Understanding? Who knows? Maybe never. But move on we must.