People power: The UFT and political action
Lately the media have been overrun by charges that the teachers union is the 800-pound gorilla in the room whenever education policy is discussed in the halls of power — and it’s not meant as a compliment!
School Counselors Chapter Newsletter - June 2024
Information about excessing, wage increases and bonuses, individual progress reports and school counselor evaluations.
What is the school’s obligation to provide Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) teachers regular common planning time?
Co-teachers must collaboratively plan, prepare and facilitate lessons, activities and projects, so they must be given regular common-planning time during the workday. According to the 2023 contract, schools with professional activity periods will...
I'm a member of a functional chapter represented by the UFT. Where can I find more information and news about issues specific to my job role?
UFT functional chapter members--such as a school counselor, a social worker or school secretary, for example--can find information tailored to their chapter's specific needs on the UFT website. Around 40 functional chapters have their own sections of...
PK-2 Next Generation ELA Standards at a Glance
PK-2 Reading Standards (Literary and Informational Text) Review the PK, K, 1st, and 2nd grade ELA introductions for information regarding: guidance and support, range of student reading experiences, text complexity, English language learners...
Appendix D — Procedures For Probable Cause Hearings
On October 2, 2005 the following understanding was reached regarding probable cause hearings: The UFT will conduct a meeting of lawyers who represent UFT members at 3020-a proceedings to inform them about the new procedures regarding offenses...
Appendix D — Procedures for Probably Cause Hearings
On October 2, 2005 the following understanding was reached regarding probable cause hearings: The UFT will conduct a meeting of lawyers who represent UFT members at 3020-a proceedings to inform them about the new procedures regarding offenses...
Appendix E — Procedures for Probably Cause Hearings
On October 2, 2005 the following understanding was reached regarding probable cause hearings: The UFT will conduct a meeting of lawyers who represent UFT members at 3020-a proceedings to inform them about the new procedures regarding offenses...
When can I start my paid parental leave?
If you physically gave birth to a child , you have the option to use your available CAR/sick day balance immediately after your child's birth, up to a maximum of six calendar weeks (eight weeks for a C-section) before taking paid parental leave. If...
Resolution strengthening our commitment to lower class size and hold the NYC DOE accountable for enforcement of class size reduction
We have a City Council that is considering passing a once-in-a-generation bill that would make physical space per student into administrative code, to make it the city’s responsibility to give each child the physical space they deserve to remain safe...