Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)
This Q&A answers many common questions regarding IEP planning and meetings, including updates from the 2023 DOE-UFT contract.
Fireside chat with Norman and Velma Murphy Hill
UFT members had the rare opportunity to hear a first-hand account of the creation of the Paraprofessionals Chapter more than 50 years ago from Velma Murphy Hill, the chapter’s founder and first chair, and her husband Norman Hill.
Not for teachers only
Despite its name, the United Federation of Teachers is a union of 200,000 working people who are committed to improving the lives of New Yorkers in many different ways. Most, but not all, provide education, child care or health services for adults...
Reforming Mayoral Control: March 2013
The following recommendations for reforms, to be submitted to the state Legislature, are the product of deliberations of the UFT School Governance Committee, a multi‐partisan committee made up of a diverse cross‐section of members representing all...
UFT Welfare Fund Summary of Benefits and Coverage
The Affordable Care Act requires group health plans to provide a Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) to plan participants so they may better understand their coverage. In compliance with this law, the UFT Welfare Fund has completed an SBC...