UFT Resolutions
Resolution on wearing red on Feb. 14 to show union support
The UFT will ask its members to wear red to work on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14, to show their support for their union.
Resolution in support of the federal Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
The UFT membership — educators, trade unionists and individuals who understand the importance of a healthy population — urges the Republican members of Congress to reach across the aisle as in the past and immediately reauthorize funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program.
Resolution against the U.S. House and Senate tax reform bills
The UFT will work with its national unions, the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association (NEA), to fight against tax cuts that unfairly target those who need help the most including senior citizens, those who earn the least, children, the poor and the destitute.
Resolution to support the employees of DNAinfo and Gothamist
The members of the United Federation of Teachers stand in solidarity with writers and editors of DNAinfo, Gothamist and all of the members of the Writers Guild East.
Resolution on the 57th anniversary of the 1960 strike
On this, the 57th anniversary of the 1960 strike, we remember the struggles of those who came before us, and salute them for standing up for what is right.
Resolution to support the NYC March for Climate Justice on Oct. 28
The UFT supports the NYC march for climate justice on Oct. 28 as well as the community actions on Oct. 29 sponsored by a coalition of more than 65 environment, labor and social justice organizations.