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News for Retired Teachers

Mid-Hudson on the rise

Two former UFT chapter leaders and union activists from Brooklyn reconnect and start a new Mid-Hudson Retiree Section.

Loving the next stage of life

A former English teacher at JHS 240 in Brooklyn may have retired from his job but he’s been working the theater audiences in Florida for the past 20 years.

Etched in history

Hundreds of UFT members watched as the names of six lifelong unionists joined those of other UFT giants on the Wall of Honor in the lobby of union headquarters in Manhattan on Nov. 18. The crowd overflowed into Shanker Hall to watch a livestream of the unveiling on an evening of mutual respect, solidarity and union pride.

Dec. 8, 2009: UFT Launches Member Assistance Program

The UFT’s Member Assistance Program was launched on Dec. 8, 2009. 

Two different worlds

People look at the same things, the same event and even the same truth differently. That includes politics — and the prospect of impeachment.

Your passport to earning

The Teachers’ Retirement System Passport Funds are diverse investment choices carefully designed to help TRS members who participate in the Tax-Deferred Annuity (TDA) Program save for retirement. Here is an overview of the funds that will be available as of January 2020.