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Testimony regarding reopening of New York City public schools: health and safety

UFT President Michael Mulgrew testified before the New York City Council Committees on Education and Health regarding health and safety in the reopening of New York City public schools.

Testimony on the mayor's November financial plan

UFT President Michael Mulgrew submitted testimony before the New York City Council Committee on Finance on the impact of the mayor's proposed budget cuts.

Informal (legally-exempt) Provider Rights

Informal (legally-exempt) providers have a series of new rights under the new contract.

Missouri unions head to court over due process

Missouri labor unions have taken the state to court over a new law championed by Republican lawmakers that makes it easier to fire state workers, saying the changes infringe on collective bargaining rights enshrined in the state constitution.

Resolution in support of striking Los Angeles public school teachers

The United Federation of Teachers stands in solidarity with the public school teachers of Los Angeles, and their union, the United Teachers of Los Angeles.

Key arbitration awards

These precedent-setting arbitration decisions can help you determine what grievances to file and which contract articles to cite.

Chapter Newsletters

Archive of school counselor chapter newsletters.

Can co-teachers in an ICT class “tag team” each other to participate in their students’ IEP team meetings?

No. When a general education teacher is a required member of the IEP team for the student, one of the student’s general education teachers must be present for the entirety of the IEP meeting. Similarly, when a special education teacher is a required...

UFT responds to Aetna lawsuit

A health insurance provider has filed a lawsuit against the City of New York challenging the process used to award the contract for the new NYC Medicare Advantage Plus Plan for New York City retirees who are eligible for Medicare.

Prime peril for profit 

As consumers increasingly rely on Amazon for their shopping needs during the coronavirus crisis, the company’s workers say the digital giant is putting their health in peril to turn a profit.