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Resolution honoring the 55th anniversary of the founding of the UFT

The UFT hereby honors this 55th anniversary of our union's founding and recognizes the members, officers and staff whose sacrifices over the years have made the union strong in the face of adversity and made it a model of effective and progressive...

Article Twenty-Five — Conformity To Law-Saving Clause

If any provision of this agreement is or shall at any time be contrary to law, then such provision shall not be applicable or performed or enforced, except to the extent permitted by law and any substitute action shall be subject to appropriate...

Testimony regarding ensuring English Language Learners receive appropriate educational services

UFT Vice President for Education Evelyn DeJesus testified before the New York City Council Education Committee regarding ensuring English Language Learners receive appropriate educational services.

Testimony regarding overcrowding in NYC public schools and Res. No. 563

The UFT submitted testimony to the City Council Committee on Education regarding overcrowding in NYC public schools and Res. No. 563.

How PIP works

Imagine having a trusted, veteran teacher with topnotch peer assistance skills in your corner, supporting you in your work, and helping you build on it. Think of getting the support you need to become a confident effective educator reaching young...


The Peer Intervention Program has successfully helped thousands of teachers in schools throughout New York City. Why not you? It is a proactive step toward professional growth! Here are some common questions and their answers.

Retirement fund loans

One of the many benefits provided by the Teachers’ Retirement System and the Board of Education Retirement System the ability to borrow against your Qualified Pension Plan and Tax-Deferred Annuity accumulations.

Employees on leave must notify DOE by May 15 of plans for 2015–16

School-based employees currently on an approved leave of absence are now required to use the Department of Education’s Self-Service Online Leave Application System ( SOLAS ) to inform the DOE of their intention to return to work, retire, resign...

Red Apple Welfare Fund Guide for in-service members

View or download the Red Apple guide to UFT Welfare Fund health benefits for in-service members and their families.