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I gave support to the Denver teachers in their strike: I walked the line and attended the rally at the capitol. Our support was appreciated.

Value of the union

Teaching is a profession that comes from the heart. Teachers should be respected, well-paid and treated fairly.

Student discipline

Regarding “A better approach to student discipline” [President’s Perspective, April 4], I would suggest new ideas might be considered. There is a subtle violence against the students (and teachers) where publishers of curriculum aligned with the...

Students deserve better leadership

It was great to read about the teachers at Forest Hills HS [“UFT chapter at Forest Hills HS votes ‘no confidence’ in principal,” April 4] taking action against a terrible principal. I tell people that although I greatly miss working with the kids, I...

Is there a place for religion in schools?

My wife receives the New York Teacher. I read the article about the UFT United Community Schools Showcase [“We’re building whole children,” April 4] and commend the teachers, children and various successes at PS/IS184.

A failing exam

I am a licensed 8th-grade English language arts teacher and reading specialist. In April, I proctored the 8th-grade ELA exam and encountered several problems.

Specialized high school admissions

Regarding “Stuy High and beyond” [Editorials, April 4]: Mayor Bill de Blasio wants to punish excellence and reward mediocrity by changing the admissions policy for the city’s specialized high schools. Perhaps your concern should be directed to the...

Betsy right on college speakers

Since 2016, the UFT has been critical of the leadership of the U.S. Department of Education, provided by Betsy DeVos. However, I think we owe her a “thank you” and congratulations for taking on the political correctness scourge that has swept our...

No thanks

The New York Times’ Feb. 19 opinion piece [“Betsy DeVos vs. Student Veterans”] rightly vilifies U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos for the cynical way her department targeted veterans and turned what should be a straight-forward GI benefit into a...

Differing views on immigrants

Regarding James J. D’Amico’s letter “ Country’s benefits ‘reserved for legal citizens’ ” [Feb. 7], I am sorry he is unaware that undocumented immigrants are guaranteed the right to attend public school according to the U.S. Supreme Court (Plyler v...