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Our time

More than 30 of the 51 New York City Council seats — a common entry point into elected office — will open up in 2021 because of term limits. It’s an opportunity to elect more public school educators and other UFT-represented professionals to elected...


New York City has reached the legal limit of charter schools, which has prompted a big push by charter advocates to raise the cap. Albany needs to stand firm.

Appreciating teachers

Teacher Appreciation Week is May 6–10, as good a time as any to take stock of how teachers are viewed by the public at large.

Protection for patients

It’s easily among most people’s greatest fears: Having a medical emergency when you’re far from home, whether it’s an accident or a serious illness.

A model for success

The story of how Long Island City HS turned around bodes well for the Bronx Collaborative Schools Plan, a new program to support schools facing the greatest challenges.

Stuy High and beyond

Seven. That’s how many African-American students are among the 895 students who have been offered admission next fall to Stuyvesant HS, one of the city’s most prestigious specialized high schools.

Counting on us

New York State is in danger of losing two of its 27 Congressional seats and billions of dollars of federal government aid if next year’s U.S. census shows a decline in the state’s population.

Good riddance

It’s not right to dance on a grave, but with SESIS we’ll make an exception.


Helping NY’s voters

The newly elected Democratic majority in the New York State Senate passed long-stymied electoral reforms on Jan. 14 that will propel our state toward its rightful place as a progressive beacon for the rest of the United States.